We have invested in a Drone!
What does this mean for you? our customers & potential new customers …
✔ We can now take great images for our presentation work that we send to our panel of Underwriters and Insurers which means you get the best rates available
✔ This can help your claim – We can take aerial shots of damage that may not be reached ordinarily unless we wait for a contractor
✔ We can do a survey of your roof and high walls prior to going on cover to prove that any resultant damage afterwards is not as a result of ‘wear and tear’
✔ The Drone can help highlight security, and keep your business safe
✔ We can create a 3D map of your premises to present to the insurer
✔ We can create images of inaccessible or dangerous areas without putting humans in a dangerous position
✔ We can help our customers with a inspection survey before an Insurer survey takes place to highlight any potential issues
✔ If you have an ongoing structural issue, we can help monitor the situation by taking images and videos – for example subsidence, cracking on external and internal walls, leaks etc
✔ We are very happy to assist with an emergency situation, locally to us that could assist – for example potential flooding, fire, missing people, missing pets
At ARC, we are always looking at ways to improve things for our client’s, often thinking out of the box.
If you would like to know more, or receive a Business Insurance Quote from us please call 01529 675 021 or 022.
#dronephotography #commercialinsurance #businessgrowth #insurancebroker