Some Important Information regarding the incoming Storm Ciaran – if you need any insurer advice whether insured with ARC Broker Services Ltd or not, please feel free to call into the office at 9 High Street, Heighington, or call 01529 675 022.
As you will have heard, Storm Ciaran is on its way and due to impact many regions across the United Kingdom this week.
To help minimise potential storm damage to your property Aviva have put together the following tips:
1. Inspect fences and sheds to ensure there are no loose panels that could be blown into your own or neighboring properties.
2. Check any loose or cracked roof tiles or slates that could be blown away.
3. Ensure gutters and down pipes are attached securely and drains are clear of debris.
4. Store away bins and garden furniture securely.
5. Clear the garden of any overhanging branches.
Loss Adjusters and Insurance Companies are still coping with the previous Flood Damage Claims of Storm Babet, causing delays in getting to see property damage.
Our advice is to mitigate your losses at all costs, be sensible, in the event of water damage lift furniture and accessories up as high as you can to prevent unnecessarily loss, and use a common sense approach.
Please remember we are in this together and whilst you may feel that you are the only household claiming, currently there are thousands in the UK trying to sort out their Flood Damage Claims. Your insurer and Loss Adjuster are working hard to get round to you and sort your claim out, whilst you may think not a lot is being done, demand far exceeds staffing capabilities at the moment!
Stay Safe everyone – as usual, our Mobile Phone will be switched on for reporting new claims, 0 07930 212838

Kind Regards